Saturday, April 29, 2017

TMS Student Recognized in Talent Search

Taylor Middle School - The Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) has identified Taylor Middle School student, Endymion Fried, for special recognition as part of this year’s seventh grade talent search.

Students qualify for the talent search by scoring at or above the 95th percentile on grade-level standardized tests. Identification provides benefits that last through high school, including the opportunity to take the ACT or SAT, specialized publications, college prep advice, and access to educational programs.

Fried qualified because of his scores on the STAAR assessments. He signed up to take the SAT and scored high enough to qualify him for Duke University’s Summer Program and recognition at the state level.

“We are very proud of Endymion and this great accomplishment,” said TMS principal, Travis Motal. “We always want students to reach their full potential and Endymion is well on this way to achieving some great things in his future.”

Fried will be attending the Duke summer program in San Antonio.