Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Cashing in on Education

$101K Awarded to Taylor Students

Thanks to the generosity of the Taylor Community, Taylor ISD has awarded fifty-nine local scholarships totaling $101,000 to sixty-six seniors from Taylor High School and Legacy Early College High School. The scholarships were presented in a 

ceremony on Tuesday evening in the event center auditorium.

Taylor counselors noted that for a community the size of Taylor, the number of families and companies that provide scholarships for local students is impressive and remarkable.

Retired Taylor ISD counselor, Naomi Pasemann, believes the number of local scholarships available for Taylor students says a lot about the community.

“Besides the monetary amount of the scholarship, students also realize there are community members who believe in them,” Pasemann said. “Taylor is, and always has been, a community that cares.”

Four new scholarships were added this year. The Jaime Zimmerhanzel Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $3,000 to be awarded each year to a student planning to  pursue a career in elementary education. Mrs. Zimmerhanzel was an elementary teacher at five TISD campuses for over thirty years.

The Larry Safarik Outdoor Rec Scholarship in the amount of $500 was added this year in honor of Coach Safarik’s 50 years in Taylor ISD. It is presented to a graduating senior who was an outdoor rec student in middle school.

Also new this year is the Nell Steger Scholarship in the amount of $1,000, and the William Sorrow Memorial scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Steger is known for her efforts in forming the Taylor Conservation and Heritage Society, and Sorrow was a trained archaeologist and historian.          

While the number of scholarships has increased over the years, several have been in existence for a long time. The Melasky scholarship began in 1956, Gernert in 1961, and the Ruth Schroeder Memorial Scholarship started in 1974.

“Scholarships, to an extent, have long been a part of TISD,” Pasemann said. “Many of the memorial scholarships came into existence when I was a counselor as well as other scholarships. With each memorial scholarship, there is a story.”

Anyone wanting to contribute to an existing scholarship, or to establish a new scholarship, should contact Elizabeth De La Cruz at (512) 365-1391.